I am a Tutor constable based at Newquay police station and I have been in this role for nearly two years.
My job is to take student officers out for their first shifts on response after completing their initial training at HQ. Student officers usually spend 12 weeks with a tutor constable and from their first day with me we start responding to 999 calls. I am here to guide and support students whilst they learn the job.
I ensure that they attend wide variety of jobs and are competent in their role, before they achieve independent patrol and take their first steps out on their own.
We would attend incidents such as Road Traffic Collisions, Public Order incidents, including patrolling the local area, and respond to incidents such as shopliftings and assaults. We could be responding to any type of incident at any time of the day or night.
Student officers must evidence certain work in order to achieve the degree in policing, and it is my job to help them to achieve this. The Professional Development Unit will help to guide and support the student officer through this process.
I love my job as I get to work with people who are enthusiastic and are excited to learn their new profession as police officers. I am passionate about engaging our local community and safeguarding the public. I enjoy trying to get the best out of people and seeing them learn and develop as officers.
Tutor Constable