An important part in our organisations

Support Mechanisms
Our staff support networks play a very important part, empowering staff and officers from under-represented groups to have their voice heard at all levels. As well as our support networks, there are also a broad range of affiliate and national networks which you can join.
They act as support mechanisms and undertake advocacy and representative functions. They also enable the police to consult with and involve staff from a diverse range of groups on a variety of issues.
What Staff Support Groups are available?
Devon & Cornwall Police
There are many people working in the police service who are Christians and who believe that God is real and relevant to every aspect of life including police work.
However, many find that the rigours of shift work and other commitments make it difficult to be fully involved in the life of a local church.
The Devon and Cornwall CPA branch has members across the Force area and has its own overarching aim: To encourage staff to live out their Christian lives in the workplace. The basis of membership is a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
We are an internal support group for Police Staff, Officers, Volunteers and Contractors who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
We offer support to staff and managers, offering mentoring and developmental opportunities for LGBT staff across the organisation. We undertake awareness raising activities, deliver community engagement, act as a critical friend to the force, challenging it to improve its services to both staff and the public.
If you would like to get involved in our network or join our mailing list please drop us an email. Alternatively If you are thinking of joining Devon and Cornwall Police and identify as LGBT and want to find out how our Network can support you please drop us an email.
The Family Support Group consists of a network of police officers and staff who recognise that managing family and work life can be stressful and worrying, that the specialist high pressured role we all undertake in the police service can increase these feelings of stress and worry.
We stand for:
- Helping you to take action
- Raising Awareness about the specific challenges that men face across the organisation
- Breaking down the barriers you face when it comes to seeking support for a range of issues
- Improving your quality of life, both inside and outside of work
The Mental Wellbeing Network became a formally recognised Staff Support Group in November 2013. Its aim is to promote and support mental wellbeing and it works to deliver the following three objectives:
- Address the stigma of mental illness in the workplace
- Promote awareness of mental wellbeing
- Provide support and effective signposting
The NDSN is committed to helping guide the police force to improve the services we receive as members of staff/Police Officers throughout our careers. We want to help to educate the force as to the wider world of neurodiversity and to broaden the understanding which in-turn will enable everyone to have equal access to opportunities.
As a support group, network members are committed to enabling the Force to deliver a better quality of service and invest in its staff. The aims are broad and the network relies heavily on a number of subgroups, which will focus on specific areas identified by you as important.
These include promotion and development, for example. Through these subgroups, staff will be able to see that the network is active and striving to make an actual difference.
Dorset Police
Dorset BAME Network is first and foremost a support network consisting of minority ethnic police officers and police staff, special constables and volunteers of all ranks and grades from across the Force.
We also have a number of associate members who have an interest and commitment to furthering the aims of the Dorset BAME network.
The network supports the Force's commitment to having a workforce representative of the community we serve.
The Dorset Police Christian Police Association (CPA) branch is a staff support group aiming to support all colleagues (officers, staff, specials and volunteers) working within Dorset Police and encouraging Christian colleagues to live out their Christian faith in the workplace.
It is non-denominational. In other words, we have members who are Baptist, Church of England, Methodist and Pentecostals and from many of the other mainstream traditions.
We are concerned for righteousness both on and off duty and support the Force Chaplaincy Service. Prayer and prayer support are key to our faith and through our work and private lives we aim to glorify Jesus Christ.
The National CPA, to which we are affiliated, is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and supports its Basis of Faith and its Vision, Mission and Purpose.
Available to all our disabled staff, this is a confidential network to assist staff with disabilities who may wish to raise issues, discuss problems or seek advice.
The network co-ordinator sits on the Positive Action Group and is therefore able to raise issues of concern or highlight problems at the highest level.
The network is often involved in consultation concerning disability matters within the force and is a valuable source of reference.
The Dorset LGBT+ Support Network is the staff support group for anyone in the policing family who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGB&T).
We offer support, undertake awareness raising activities and act as a critical friend to the Force, challenging it to improve its services and processes for all.
We want to increase the visibility of supportive colleagues who do not identify as LGB&T, but who wish to work alongside the network to improve support, equal opportunities and reduce the isolation and discrimination that some staff experience.
The NDSN is committed to helping guide the police force to improve the services we receive as members of staff/Police Officers throughout our careers. We want to help to educate the force as to the wider world of neurodiversity and to broaden the understanding which in-turn will enable everyone to have equal access to opportunities.
The Women's Support Network seeks to support and enable women to achieve and develop to the best of their potential by:
- providing them with information; answering their questions
- giving them a voice at the highest levels of the organisation
- and the opportunity to engage and keep in touch with women throughout the Dorset Police community.