A Role for everyone!
Positive Action is a range of measures and initiatives that we can lawfully take to actively encourage people from communities that are under-represented to bring their talent, experiences and expertise to our organisation when applying to join us.
Below are some answers to frequently asked questions.

So that we can continue to provide a high level of service, be prepared to adjust and adapt our approach we feel it is necessary to make sure that our workforce reflects the communities we serve in Devon and Cornwall. We are proud to have a policy of positive action to help us achieve this.
Positive Action is a range of measures and initiatives that we can lawfully take to actively encourage people from communities that are under-represented to bring their talent, experiences and expertise to our organisation when applying to join us. When applying to join us, our selection processes are no different. Through the use of Positive Action, we do not seek to remove competition, rather, to allow everyone the same level of opportunity where final selection for a post is always made on the merit of the applicant.
No. The 2 are very different and are very often confused. Positive Discrimination means employing someone just because they come from an under-represented group giving an unfair advantage and is unlawful.
Positive Action is a lawful activity to ensure there is fairness to all that apply where everyone has a ‘level playing field’ from the start.
As this is via the Degree Holder Entry Programme, you must also hold a recognised degree level qualification. This is equivalent to a level 6 qualification.
Please check with your examining body if you are unsure of the level of qualification you hold. We will need to see original certificates later in the recruitment process).
UK legislation enabled Positive Action initiatives and activities to take place, where an under-represented group is identified around issues of Gender, Disability, Race, Age, Sexual Orientation and Religion or Belief. This is not a legal requirement but there are provisions that have been made available within the Equality Act 2010 for positive action to take place.
So that we can address the imbalance in Devon & Cornwall Police we particularly encourage applications from the following identified under-represented groups and communities to join our family.
- Young People.
- Black and Minority Ethnic communities.
- People with Disabilities.
- Women.
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Questioning communities.
Our Positive Action Team will be in touch to establish with you what support you may require.
We endeavour to contact with you within 28 days of receiving your information.
No, you will not have an advantage over other candidates.
We will support you in identifying and addressing barriers that may be preventing you competing on a level playing field but you will not be given any preference or advantage.
We will assess what support your require and then work out a plan for you. Support could include one to one conversations with your PA Officer, information, guidance and invitations to initiatives we run.
Absolutely, this is a confidential service and we will not share your details. If we need to speak to other departments on your behalf we would use your name, PA reference and in some cases your email.
You will be consulted if need to contact other departments but we would not share your LGBTQ+ status.
Registering for PA will not accelerate your recruitment journey. You will not have any advantage over any other candidate.